About Us
About Us

Empowering safe, secure and frictionless payments for everyone.
Our pursuit has remained steadfast for decades: We do what we say we’ll do. We’re not heroes, we’re dedicated people that are passionate about serving the common good. We’re in the business of protecting people’s livelihood. Whether it’s a small bank in a rural area or a globally traded financial institution, we deliver world-class solutions rooted in family values.
We create successful relationships by taking the time to listen. We collect actionable data by focusing on what our clients are communicating about industry requirements and responding to their needs. We think of our team as an extension of your team. We have the expertise, systems and tools to host a collaborative environment.
About APS
APS was founded by the Campbell family of Fargo, North Dakota. The Campbells have a history of building and growing financial services support companies. Their first venture, Advantage Credit Bureau was formed in 1992 and remains a thriving business today. APS offers solutions for dispute management, the detection, prevention and management of fraud; secure, cloud-based document management; identification and address verification services; and analytic reporting tools.